Biophysical and Bioorganic Chemistry - Syllabus

Biophysical and Bioorganic Chemistry - Syllabus

Paper Code
Marks: 100
Credits: 4
         Class Hours: 60
Paper Title:
Biophysical and Bioorganic Chemistry

Part A: 50 marks


First law of thermodynamics:  Introduction, definitions, nature of heat and work, PV work, maximum work, first law of thermodynamics - internal energy, enthalpy, molar heat capacities, isothermal and adiabatic expansion.

Thermochemistry :  Exothermic and endothermic reactions, standard enthalpy of formation,
 thermochemical equations, reaction enthalpy - dependence on temperature, bond energies.

Second law of thermodynamics:  Thermodynamics - reversibility and irreversibility, spontaneous processes, entropy, thermodynamic efficiency and Carnot’s theorem, statements of second law, entropy changes - phase transition, heating, irreversible processes. Third law of thermodynamics. Free energy - variation with temperature and pressure, Gibbs-Helmholtz
equation, applications of thermodynamics in biochemistry, biochemical relevance of classical thermodynamics, open systems.

Chemical equilibrium :

The nature of chemical equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, relationship between DG and Keq, effect of temperature and pressure, Le Chattelier principle, equilibrium reaction involving protons, coupling of reactions. Applications in living systems.

Chemical Kinetics :  Definition, reaction rate, rate laws, zero-, first- and second-order reactions, molecularity of a reaction, pseudo first order reaction, half-life, determination of order and rate constant, effect of temperature on reaction rates. Theories of reaction rates - the collision theory, the activated complex theory. Catalysis : Definition, types, characteristics of catalysts, activation energy and catalysis.

Acids and bases :  Bronsted-Lowry concept, Lewis concept, strengths of acids, weak acids and bases, pH, buffer solutions. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, buffering against pH changes in biological systems, maintaining the pH of blood, acid-base indicators, acid base titration, choice of a suitable indicator.

Properties of liquids (brief treatment): Introduction – the kinetic molecular description, intermolecular forces in liquids, dielectric constant, surface tension, viscosity, diffusion, osmotic pressure, phase rule, phase diagram of water, ionization of water, water as a reactant.

Spectrophotometry :  Beer-Lambert law, standard curves, working principle of a spectrophotometer.

Part B : 50 marks

Physico-chemical parameters for biomolecules:
Inter and Intramolecular interaction: covalent, ionic bond, hybrid orbitals, polarity of bonds, electronegativity, dipole, hydrogen bonding, dihydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, Van der waals interaction.

Nature of bonding in organic molecules and in relation to biomolecules: Delocalized chemical bonding-conjugation, cross conjugation, resonance, hyperconjugation, bonding in fluorescences, tautomerism.

Reaction intermediates: 
Formation, structure, stability and reactions of Carbocation, Carbanions, free radicals, Nitrenes, Carbenes, Benzynes.

Alcohols, ethers, epoxides and di-ols: Occurrence, nomenclature, structure,
synthesis, physical and chemical properties and uses. 

Dienes: Structure and properties of 1, 3-butadiene, addition reactions, polymerisation, Diels-Alder and other reactions of dienes. 

Structure of benzene, sources of aromatic hydrocarbons, industrially important aromatic compounds, nomenclature of benzene derivatives, electrophilic and
nucleophilic aromatic substitution, chemistry of aromatic aliphatic compounds.

Aldehydes and ketones: 
Nomenclature, synthesis, nucleophilic addition,  elimination reaction, oxidation and reduction of carbonyl compounds, haloform reaction, enolisation in biological system, a-halocarbonyl compounds, aldol condensation, benzoin condensation, Claisen condensation, crossed aldol and crossed Claisen condensation, perkin condensation. Witting reaction, Reformatsky reaction, a,b-unsaturated carbonyl compounds

Carboxylic acids and their derivatives: Nomenclature, synthesis, classification, properties, reactions, uses, decarboxylation reactions, dicarboxylic acids, esters. 

Nitro-compounds and amines: Occurrence, nomenclature, synthesis, classification, properties, reactions, uses, diazonium compounds.

Phenols: Occurrence, nomenclature, synthesis, properties and reactions, polyhydric phenols.

Heterocyclic Compounds: reactions, classification and synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with special reference to – pyrroles, purines and pyrimidines.

Books  Recommended:

1)      Essentials of Physical Chemistry
a.       By : B.S. Bahl G.D. Tuli and A. Bahl
b.      Publisher :  S. Chand & Company Ltd.

2)      Physical Chemistry with Application in Biological Systems
a.       By : Ramond Chang
b.      Publisher : Macmillan Publishers Co.

3)      Text Book of Physical Chemistry
a.       By : S. Glasstone
b.      Publisher : D. Van Nostrand Company

4)      Elements of Physical Chemistry
a.       By. S. Glasstone and D. Lewis
b.      Publisher : The Macmillan Press

5)      Organic Chemistry
a.       By : R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd
b.      Publisher: Allyn and Bacon Inc.

6)      Organic Chemistry
a.       By : I.L. Finar Vol. 1 and  Vol. 2
b.      Publisher : English Language Book
c.       Society and Longman Group. Ltd.

7)      Organic Chemistry
a.       By: H. Hart and R.d. Schuetz
b.      Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company

8)      Contemporary Organic Chemistry
a.       By: A. L. Ternay
b.      Publisher: W.B. Sanders Company

9)      Concepts In Modern Chemistry
a.       By: P. Kavanah, J. Robbins and J. Oberkrieser
b.      Publisher:  Cambridge Book

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