Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (BMSS)

Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (BMSS)

Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) aims to organize the scattered printing industry of the country as well as promote a better co-operation and a greater uniformity among the members of the Association and to keep good relation with each other for the development of printing industries in Bangladesh in all possible ways. As Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) is the national organization to look after the welfare of the owners of printing & packaging industries of the country, it always tries to maintain close co-ordination among the members of the Society. It also aims to enhance relationship of Employer and Employees as Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) believes that the workers are the ultimate strength of any enterprises.

The temporary office of Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) executive committee was initially established at Lalkuti, 38/1, North Brook Hall Road, in old part of Dhaka city. In the year 1998 the former Chairman in co-operation with his team bought a space measuring 1320 sft for the Association office at City Heart Complex (5th Floor), 67, Naya Paltan, Dhaka.

In the Year 2011 the renovation and decoration of Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh)secretariat has been started to meet up modern demaind of the growing business. The new and modern office is now well equipped with web, e-mail, telephones, Fax, electronic conference system etc. at the same address (City Heart Complex) under the dynamic leadership of the Executive Committee 2010-2012. The office was formally inaugurated on 19th January 2012 by Dr. Hasan Mahmud, former Hon'ble State Minister for Forest & Environment, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

History of Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) were compiled, written and published during this period. Name of all the Chairmen and General Secretaries of the Association were collected and displayed properly at the office permanently.


The objective of Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) is to establish a sound and sustainable position of printing sector in the national economy of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) always represent the members of the organization and try to assist them as and when required. It always maintain close liaison with the various government agencies like Ministry of Education, Ministry of Primary Education & Mass communication, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance, National Curriculum & Text Book Board (NCTB), National Board of Revenue (NBR), Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), SME Foundation and other related government agencies along-with allied private organization including FBCCI.

On behalf of the Printers Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) restore the rights and interest of the members by making important agreement, contact, negotiation, persuasion etc. The Association also watch over, support, protect, extend and define the rights of the members of the organization and to procure for their benefit, special advantages and concessions of all kinds and also try to face and solve any disputes and unwanted situation as an Arbitrator of associate members. Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) also collect funds and donations from its members in addition to regular contribution to meet up expenditure incurred for the greater interest of the organization.

Brief history of Bangladesh Printing Industry

The history of printing has started long ago and from the very beginning of human civilization printing was being considered as fundamental element. Now a days we can not think about modern society without printing. Infact from birth to death printing became an indispensable part of modern life. .

Initial Position:
Before partition of India Calcutta was a major place where printing, binding and packaging industry was established. At that time many entrepreneurs from East Bengal was settled in Calcutta and engaged themselves in printing and printing related business. Just after partition in 1947, several entrepreneurs migrated to then East Pakistan and started their own business. At that time printing sector was not getting facilities and assistance like other sectors. Consequently expected improvement of this sector was far away.

After liberation the printing industry of Bangladesh has started a new journey under exclusive supervision and patron of private entrepreneurs. In course of time by realizing the necessity of printing to meet up global demand of free economy printing sector is getting its due importance.

Present Position:
At present printing sector became an important organ of the national economy of Bangladesh. Infrastructural development, modern technology and technical know how along with installation of latest world famous machinery including multi color printing machine are making this sector rich day by day. But all these initiatives has been taken by the private entrepreneurs at the cost of their hard labour, dedication and capital investment. In the last one decay the printing sector has achieved a standard sustainable position. Now about 7000 printing industries are operating throughout the country out of which almost 2000 printing houses are very much capable to compete with foreign printing houses . The current market size of the printing industry is over 4000 crore a year out of which 160 crore is export oriented. Moreover about 3.00 lac people engaged in this sector which is contributing a lot for solving unemployment problem of the country.

To meet up increasing demand of modern society our printing industry is well equipped and capable to print quality Books, Note book, promotional item, label printing, price tag and all sorts of packaging accessories for garments sector, medicine boxes for pharmaceutical companies and special packets for frozen foods both in home and abroad. Continuous efforts of the entrepreneurs is making this sector more competitive and sustainable. All concerned are committed to improve this sector and up-hold the achievement in the long run.

Printing industry of Bangladesh have great opportunity to become a major sector of the national economy. As we know that availability of labour at a lower cost in Bangladesh helps the ready made garments (RMG) to secure a very strong position in the world market. We hope like RMG printing sector will also be able to have a better position within the shortest possible time.

As LDC country we have duty free access to global market for printing materials which even china don't have. This advantages may accelerate expansion and growth of Bangladesh Printing Industry very much.

Government of Bangladesh included the Printing sector as a service sector in the Industrial Policy 2005. So priority has already been given to the printing sector which in turn plays a vital role in the economy.

Bangladesh Printing and packaging materials are being exported through packaging of medicine, readymade garments and specialized frozen foods etc. This backward linkage (about 10 percent) may be increased gradually.

Bangladesh Printing Industries is very much capable to ensure proper quality of the product as per requirements of the global buyers of the international printing market.

Several Print management company has been established all over the world to collect printing orders from the marginal users and on completion of the job from any reputed printing houses they supply the same. This out sourcing system is a very positive sign for Bangladesh printing industry.

Increasing labour cost all over the world including china is making Bangladesh printing sector a major place where global printing requirements may be completed economically.

Government of Bangladesh has decided to establish BSCIC printing industrial estate which will accommodate scattered printing industry of the country to a environmentally suitable place with all necessary modern facilities with a view to increase productivity of quality goods as well as healthy working atmosphere. The project is expected to be completed by June 2018.

BSCIC Printing Industrial Estate & role of The Assocation:

A harmonic and rapid industrialization of a country requires a proper policy and based on the thought BSCIC was establish with a view to improve rural livelihood. It introduced the concept of industrial estate program in 1960. Under this program BSCIC has been providing a package of services including infrastructural facilities to the entrepreneurs for the promotion of small industries in private sector. Since 1960 BSCIC has established 74 Industrial estates so far throughout the whole country out of which 70 industrial estates are in general and rest 4 estates are monotype estate in nature.

Under the concept of industrial estate program, Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) has taken initiative with BSCIC to set up a monotype printing industrial estate nearby Dhaka. Bangladesh Mudran Shilpa Samity (Printing Industries Association of Bangladesh) mentioned that at present about 7000 printing industries are operating throughout the country absolutely under private ownership. Out of those about 3000 industries have established scatteredly in Dhaka, specially in the old part of the city. Most of them have also established in an unplanned way which are creating environmental hazard and pollution.

The unhygienic environment does not ensure the quality services of the working force and quality products also. But if it is possible to establish an exclusive industrial zone for the printing industries in an environmentally suitable and healthy area, the production capacity may be raised. Consequently, the increased total production may raise the contribution of this sector to the national economy.

In the industrial policy 2005, printing sub-sector has been identified as a service sector. Accordingly BSCIC has taken this project to promote and relocate the existing printing industries from different part of Dhaka city in a suitable place. Under the proper guidance of Ministry of Industry. Moreover, this project is very much related to the aim and objectives of Six Five Year Plan (SFYP) where poverty reduction is the prior goal.

Objective of the Project:
Under this project, a modern infrastructural facilities with necessary utility services would be provided to the printers in an environmental friendly atmosphere. The proposed industrial estate will contribute a lot for the development of printing industries as follows:

To facilitate relocation of printing industries which have established in an unplanned way in various scattered spot of Dhaka city and other places of the country to an environmentally suitable place within the shortest possible time.

To provide infrastructural facilities like developed plots, feeder road, constant electricity supply, gas connection, water supply and sewerage facilities etc to the entrepreneurs through estabishment of the Printing industrial estate.

To provide necessary facilities to increse production capacity and quality printing products. It also ensure availability of undisrupted electric supply during the priod of printing of NCTB text books & other prime working emergencies as an when required.

To create employment opportunity for about 17000 personnel through relocation and establishment of new printing industries and there by reduced unemployment problem of the country.                                                                                            

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