Bangladesh Garments Accessories & Packaging Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGAPMEA)

Bangladesh Garments Accessories & Packaging Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGAPMEA)

Bangladesh Garments Accessories & Packaging Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGAPMEA) started its operation in the year 1989. This Association is the prime organization to safeguard the interest of Garments Accessories and Packaging (GAP) manufacturers & exporters of the country. BGAPMEA represents more than 1700 export oriented garments accessories & packaging industries in the country. GAP sector is acting as a backward linkage industry of RMG as well as other export oriented industries like: Frozen food, Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Leather goods, Vegetables etc. Now almost all requirements of garments accessories & packaging of readymade garments & other export oriented industries are being met up locally which is about 95%. GAP sector earned valuable foreign exchange to the tune of US$ 7.50 billion during the financial year 2018-2019. Out of this amount, US$1.15 billion is exported directly to Netherlands, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Middle East, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Italy, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan, Germany, Austria etc. Investment of this sector is about Taka 35 thousand crore and value addition about 40%. Now this sector is able to supply packaging & accessories products within 24 hours after receiving the order. We also deliver the products to RMG factories in our own transportation. As a result, it reduces not only the lead time but also save our valuable foreign currency. BGMEA has targeted to export of RMG US$ 50 billion by 2021. To achieve this target, GAP sector is likely to be exported US$ 12 billion proportionately, if the sector gets policy support and cooperation from the Government. Most of the members of our Association belong to Small & Medium Enterprises (SME). This Association is run by a Secretariat under guidance of an elected Board of Directors through franchise for a term of 02 years. This association is a member of the Asian Packaging Federation (APF) & also the World Packaging Organization (WPO).


In our neighboring country every state has a packaging institute. But no such institute exits in our country. For this reason a study was done by ITC funded by EU where they have proposed to establish a Packaging Institute in Bangladesh in order to produce quality type of Garments accessories & Packaging products.  Govt. support & assistance is needed for capacity building to set up Garments accessories & packaging institute in our country, access to finance, Infrastructural facilities, Technology & Product quality to boost up this largest SME sector & to make hassle free export. It is our cherished dream to set up a Garments Accessories & Packaging Institute for the development of this sector in Bangladesh. We have been pursuing different donor agencies for last several years. Finally International Trade Center (ITC) and the European Union (EU) have agreed to finance & conduct survey for development of Packaging sectors in Bangladesh. Accordingly they have conducted survey in accessories & packaging sectors and submitted a report to the Government.

This Association has also decided to set up a National Institute of Packaging & Accessories (NIPA) in Bangladesh. A feasibility study was undertaken by the Association in cooperation with the European University of Bangladesh under EU INSPIRED Project. In the feasibility report, a training Institute is recommended for skill manpower for flourishing this sector. In the meantime, we got an Institutional Plot of Rajuk located at Purbachal. We are also trying to pursue with Bangladesh Govt. for setting up this Institute as early as possible.


The main goal of BGAPMEA is to develop skilled manpower for Garments Accessories & Packaging sector and also enhance the productivity of workforce by setting up a Training Institute. The another goal is to setting up of a Testing Laboratory for Garments Accessories & Packaging sector for saving our valuable foreign exchange & consuming the time. Our export target is to US$ 12.00 bn. by 2021 provided government gives policy support to this sector. We are also trying to explore the new International market for expansion our business

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