The Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980

The Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980 

An Act for the establishment of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority.

WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the establishment of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority for creation, development, operation, management and control of export processing zones and for matters connected therewith;

It is hereby enacted as follows:-



1. Short title and commencement

2. Definitions

3. Establishment of the Authority

3A. General direction

4. Head office, etc.

4A. Objects of the Authority

5. Board of Governors

5A. Functions of the Board

5B. Executive Board

6. Meetings

6A. Consultative Committee

6B. Post Sanction Clearance Committee

7. The functions of the Authority

7A. Establishment, etc., of warehouses

8. Fund

9. Power to borrow

10. Power to create zones

11. Acquisition of land for a zone

11A. Power to exempt Zones from operation of certain laws

11B. Committees

11C. Inclusion in or exclusion from Committees

12. Permission for setting up industry in the zone, etc.

13. Allotment of land etc., in a zone

14. Permission to banks to operate in a Zone

15. Bonded facilities, etc.

16. Types of industries to be set up in a zone, etc.

17. Budget

18. Audit and accounts

19. Submission of reports, etc.

20. Appointment of officers, etc.

21. [Omitted.]

22. Power to make rules

23. Power to make regulations

24. Removal of difficulties

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