Registration and Returns Filling Form-I

Declaration on Registration of Company
(See Section 25)

Name of the Company ________________________________________________________
           Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the companies act, 1994 made 
pursuant to section 25 (2) on behalf of a company proposed to be Registered as the 
      Presented for filing by  _____________________________________________________
I, _______________________________of _________________________________
do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am an Advocate* / Attorney/ A Pleader entitled
to appear before  High Court who is engaged in the formation of the company/ a       
person  named  in  the  Articles  as  a  Director/  Manager/  Secretary  of  the
____________________________________________and and that all the requirements of
the Companies Act, 1994 in respect of matters precedent to the registration of the said
company and incidental there to have been complied with, save only the payment to
the fees and sums payable on registration and I make the solemn declaration
conscientiously believing  the same to be true.

Note: The declaration need not to be-
         (a) Signed before a magistrate or an officer competent to administer others or
         (b) Stamps as a affidavit
* Strike out the portion which does not apply

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