Auto-Invest FUN Monthly Plan Quiz

Auto-Invest FUN Monthly Plan Quiz

Auto-Invest FUN Monthly Plan Quiz Answers

Auto-Invest FUN Monthly Plan Quiz Answers 

The first 100,000 new Auto-Invest users who successfully complete this quiz, will qualify to each receive a monthly Auto-Invest FUN plan for 5 months.

1. Auto-Invest enables users to buy crypto on a recurring basis. What investment strategy is applied?

a. Buying the dip
b. Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)
c. One-off buying

2. John bought $1 worth of FUN daily  for the past 1 year for a total of $360. His purchased FUN is now worth $280. What is the most accurate statement?

a. John’s portfolio is profit/loss neutral
b. John’s portfolio is profit making
c. John’s portfolio is loss-making

3. After purchasing crypto via Auto-Invest, where will the funds be stored?

a. Funds will be subscribed to Simple Earn Flexible Product
b. Funds will be added to the users' Spot Wallet
c. Funds will be subscribed to users' Funding Wallet

4. What kind of token is FUN?

a. POW (Proof-of-Work)
b. POS (Proof-of-Stake)

5. A strategic quarterly burn of 50% of any profits ensures that the FUNToken retains value into the future.

a. Yes, the quarterly burn takes place
b. No, the quarterly burn doesn't take place

The correct answers to the survey are:

1B: Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)  
2C: John’s portfolio is loss making  
3A: Funds will be subscribed to Simple Earn Flexible Product  
4B: POS (Proof-of-Stake)  
5A: Yes, the quarterly burn takes place

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