How to Create Automatic Internal Links in Blogger

How to Create Automatic Internal Links in Blogger

How to Create Automatic Internal Links in Blogger

What is Internal Linking? how to create automatic internal links in blogger or WordPress. Adding internal links to your blog your site will rank fast in search engines.

Internal links example Code


Above </head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;index&quot;'> <style type='text/css'> /* Multi Related Post */ .gourabdesignmultiRelated{background-color:#e3feff;color:#002bff;margin:15px auto;display:-moz-box;display:-ms-flexbox;border-radius: 50px;border: 2px solid #00eaff;display:flex;flex-wrap:nowrap;justify-content:space-between;overflow:hidden;transition:all .3s} .gourabdesignmultiRelated:hover{background-color:#feffe6} .gourabdesignmultiRelated .content{padding:6px 27px} .gourabdesignmultiRelated .content .text{margin-right:9px} .gourabdesignmultiRelated .content a{color:#f00;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.5em} .gourabdesignmultiRelated .content a:hover{text-decoration:underline} .gourabdesignmultiRelated .icon{height:auto;min-width:55px;background:#20757d url(&quot;data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox=&#39;0 0 24 24&#39; xmlns=&#39;;%3E%3Cpath d=&#39;M8.59,16.58L13.17,12L8.59,7.41L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.59,16.58Z&#39; fill=&#39;%23fff&#39;/%3E%3C/svg%3E&quot;) center / 40px no-repeat;transition:all .3s} </style> </b:if> {codeBox}


Below <data:post.body/>
<b:if cond='data:view.isPost'> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ // Multi Related Post (function() {var jumlah = 4;let post = document['querySelectorAll']('.post-body br, .post-body p'),a = jumlah + 1,b = post['length'] / a;c = Array['from']({length: jumlah}, (redfx, blufx) => blufx + 1); for (let d = 0; d < c['length']; d++) {let e = c[d],f = parseInt((b * e)),g = document['createElement']('div');g['className'] = 'gourabdesignmultiRelated';if (post[f]['nodeName'] == 'P') {post[f]['parentNode']['insertBefore'](g, post[f])} else {post[f]['parentNode']['insertBefore'](g, post[f]['nextSibling'])}}})(); var relatedTitles = new Array();var relatedTitlesNum = 0;var relatedUrls = new Array();function related_results_labels(nerdfx) {for (var desfx = 0; desfx < nerdfx['feed']['entry']['length']; desfx++) {var nefx = nerdfx['feed']['entry'][desfx];relatedTitles[relatedTitlesNum] = nefx['title']['$t'];for (var ciafx = 0; ciafx < nefx['link']['length']; ciafx++) {if (nefx['link'][ciafx]['rel'] == 'alternate') {relatedUrls[relatedTitlesNum] = nefx['link'][ciafx]['href'];relatedTitlesNum++;break}}}} function removeRelatedDuplicates() {var viefx = new Array(0);var labfx = new Array(0);for (var desfx = 0; desfx < relatedUrls['length']; desfx++) {if (!contains(viefx, relatedUrls[desfx])) {viefx['length'] += 1;viefx[viefx['length'] - 1] = relatedUrls[desfx];labfx['length'] += 1;labfx[labfx['length'] - 1] = relatedTitles[desfx]}};relatedTitles = labfx;relatedUrls = viefx} function contains(yelfx, yufx) {for (var grefx = 0; grefx < yelfx['length']; grefx++) {if (yelfx[grefx] == yufx) {return true}};return false} //]]> </script> <b:if cond='data:post.labels'> <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> <b:if cond='data:view.isPost'> <script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=100&quot;'/> </b:if> </b:loop> </b:if> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ (function gourabdesignmultiRelated() {var text = 'Also Read :';let r = Math['floor']((relatedTitles['length'] - 1) * Math['random']());let i = 0;let jumlah = document['querySelectorAll']('.gourabdesignmultiRelated');while (i < relatedTitles['length'] && i < jumlah['length']) {for (let a = 0; a < jumlah['length']; a++) {jumlah[a]['innerHTML'] = '<span class="content"><span class="text">' + text + '</span><a href="' + relatedUrls[r] + '" title="' + relatedTitles[r] + '">' + relatedTitles[r] + '</a></span><span class="icon"></span>';if (r < relatedTitles['length'] - 1) {r++} else {r = 0};i++}}})(); //]]> </script> </b:if> {codeBox}

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Internal links are links within a post that take the reader elsewhere on your own, same website.

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