Registration of Industrial Design in Bangladesh

Registration of Industrial Design in Bangladesh
Registration of Industrial Design in Bangladesh

Application procedure for registration of Industrial Design in Bangladesh:-

Any person whether national or foreigner claiming to be the proprietor of a new or
original industrial design may apply to the Registrar of the department of Patent, design and Trademarks for the registration of the design in Bangladesh with the following
documents. In case of foreign application, the application will be submitted through local agent.

(A) Application:-An application for the registration of industrial design should be
made in the prescribed form either 15 or 16 or 17. If the design is to be applied to
any single article, the application should be made on form-15, but if it is intended
to be applied to a number of articles of the same general character, comprising a
set, it should be made on form-17, if it is intended to claim priority the application
should be made on form-16. If the applicant claims the right of priority of an
earlier application filed in another country which is a party to Paris convention
he/she is required to file his/her application within a period of six months from the
date of the first application and to append to his application a written declaration to
the effect that the claim of priority, indicating certain details regarding the earlier
application, and to furnish a certified copy of the earlier application.

(B) Representation: - Application on prescribed form shall be accompanied by exactly
similar four copies of representation of the article clearly showing the features of
the design by different views and stating names of the views. The representation
may contain drawing or photographs or specimens of the design where applicable.

(C) Power of Attorney: - If the applicant does not want to file his/her application in
person, then he/she will have to submit Power of Attorney.

(D) Requisite fee: - The fee payable for any class is shown in the fee schedule. The fee
may be paid by way of pay order/cheque in favour of Registrar, DPDT.

(E) Statement of Novelty: - The applicant should endorse on the application and each
of the representations a brief statement of novelty for which he/she seeks
protection. This may be done when he/she files the application or at any time
before registration is finally effectuated.

(F) Endorsement of disclaimers: - Statement of novelty will contain a disclaimer to
the effect that no right is claimed over the use of Trademarks, any mechanism,
letters, words, numbers etc.

(G) Duration of Registration of Design: - The registration of industrial design is valid
for 5 years from the date of application. The period may be extended by two further
periods each of 5 years on application before the expiry of the copyright.

(H) Classification of Goods: - For purpose of registration of industrial design, goods to
which the design is to be applied are divided into fourteen classes.

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