Documents For BIN (Business Identification Number)

Documents For BIN (Business Identification Number)

Documents For BIN (Business Identification Number)

For being able to apply for BIN, you should prepare these documents (for applicable case) carefully base on selected criteria:

1. e-TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) Certificate

2. BIN Certificate (9digit/11 digit)

3. Trade Licence

4. Certificate of incorporation

5. IRC Number

6. ERC Number

7. BIDA Certificate

8. Address

9. Email

10. NID/Passport/ e-TIN Certificate of Owners

11. Banking Information and Latest Bank Statements

12. Share (%) of Owners/Directors/ Head of Entities

13. Information of Major Capital Machineries

14. List of machinery & equipment

15. Layout plan of equipment

16. Others required information and soft copy documents for attachment

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