Syllabus: Introduction to Poetry

Syllabus: Introduction to Poetry

Paper Code :  211105
Marks : 100
Credits : 4
Class Hours : 60
Paper Title :
Introduction to Poetry

W. Shakespeare                          “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
Milton                                        “On His Blindness”
John Donne                                “The Good-Morrow”
R. Herrick                                  “To Daffodils”
Thomas Gray                             “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
W. Wordsworth                         “I wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
P.B. Shelley                               “Ode to the West Wind”
John Keats                                 “To Autumn”
A. Tennyson                              “Ulysses”
R. Browning                              “Patriot”
Elizabeth B. Browning              “How do I love thee”
W. Whitman                              “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”
Emily Dickenson                       “Because I Could not stop for Death”
W.B. Yeats                                “A Prayer for My Daughter”
R. Frost                                      “Home Burial”
D.H Lawrence                           “The Piano”
Dylan Thomas                           “Fern Hill”
Ted Hughes                               “Pike”
R. Tagore                                 “Where the mind is without fear” (Gitanjali-35)
Kaiser Huq                               “Learning Grief”
Literary Terms:
Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Metonymy, Symbol, Irony, Climax, Anticlimax, Alliteration, Assonance, Hyperbole, Paradox, Onomatopoeia, Bathos, Allusion, Conceit, Pun, Imagery, Elegy, Sonnet, Lyric, Dramatic Monologue, Ode, Ballad, Fable, Satire, Lampoon

Accent, Foot/ Measure, Blank Verse, Rhyme, Tercet , Couplet, Heroic Couplet, Scansion  of verse and others.

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