Botany-I Practical
Paper Code
Marks: 50
Credits: 2
Class Hours:30
Paper Title:
Botany-I Practical
1. Detail
study including dissection (where necessary), mounting, drawing, description
and identification with classification of the following genera: 10
Cyanobacteria : Nostoc, anabaena
Algae : Saccnaromyces and Accoboius
Bryophyte : Riccia and Marchantia
Pteridophyte : Selaginella, Christella
: Cycas
Angiosperm :
Poaceae and Fabaceae
2. Identification of
the following genera with reasons: 06
Algae Volvox,
Polysiphonea and Fucas.
Fungi Rhizopus,
A garicus, Puccinia and Penicillium.
Lichen Crustose,
Foliose and Fructose.
Bryophyte Anthoceros,
Pteridophyte Selaginella,
Marsilea, Azolla and Pteris
Gymnosperms Male and female cones of Cycas,
Scientific names of common plants around the institution.
3. Find out algal specimens from local
fresh water sample; draw and describe............. 05
4. Study of the symptoms and causal
organisms of Brown spot of rice and stem rot of Jute.
................. 05
Detailed taxonomic study of the families as included in the theory
................. 08
of plant and plant parts, and economic uses of angiosperms included in the
................. 06
Preparation of herbarium specimens of local plants and submission
during examination.
................. 05
Laboratory Note book. 05
1. Agrios, G.N 1997 : Plant Pathology
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2. Bold, H.C. and
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3. Devlin, M.R. and H.F.
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