Biochemistry Practical

Biochemistry Practical

Paper Code
Marks: 100
Credits: 4
         Class Hours: 60
Paper Title:
 Biochemistry Practical

1.         Use of analytical balance.
2.         Preparation of standard solutions.
3.         Standardisation of HCl.
4.         Estimation of acetic acid content of vinegar.
5.         Estimation of calcium by the permanganate method.
6.         Estimation of iron content of Mohr’s salt by the dichromate method..
7.         Estimation of copper by iodometry.
8.         Estimation of ascorbic acid content of biological samples.
9.         Identification of organic compounds and colour tests for biomolecules.
10.     Separation of amino acid mixture by paper chromatography,

Books Recommended :

  1. Text Book of Organic Chemistry
By A.I. Vogel
Publisher : Allyn and Bacon Inc.
  1. Test Book of Practical Inorganic Chemistry
By A.I. Vogel
Publisher : English Language Book Society and Liongman Group Ltd.

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