Bangladesh Jute Goods Exporters Association (BJGEA)

Bangladesh Jute Goods Exporters Association (BJGEA)

BJGEA was established in the year 1970 with the aim of promoting jute goods markets globally. All the renowned business personalities of this country mainly concerned with Jute and Jute products business organized this Association with the vision of upholding the 100% bio-degradable and recyclable echo friendly “Golden Fibre”. Now our endeavor is to offer services to our valued Members which relates with various Govt. & Non-Govt. Organization in exploring markets in home and abroad.

To maintain our status as an “A” class Association, we are committed to co-operate and help our individual exporter to earn foreign currency for the nation and to improve the livelihood of nationwide jute growers as well as Business Community.

Total General Members of BJGEA is not fixed for every year. It is variable. Because, it depends on the renewal of membership by the General Members. This year (2016-2017) we have 248 Members so far renewed.

BJGEA is governed by the Executive Board of Directors in terms of rules and regulations of ARTICLE OF Association & Memorandum. Its’ main source of income come out from the contributions made by valued members in the form of entrance fee, annual renewal fees, export certificate issuance fees etc. Some time, some of the Members come forward with special donation as and when necessary.

This Association has eight Sub-Committees for more improvement of the activities of the Association for the interest of mass participation of the members. The sub-committees are as follows:

1) BJGEA Publication, Bulletin and event management related issues.

2) BJGEA Administration, Finance & Accounts.

3)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Welfare related issues.

4) Bank, Financial Institution & Financial Services issues

5) Ministry & other trade Organization related issues.

6) Trade delegation and trade fair related issues.

7) Export Policy and Promotion, Tariff and Non-Tariff Barrier, Multi and Bi- Lateral Trade Agreement and Industrial Policy.

8) Customs, VAT, Taxation, NBR , EPB and Shipping line related issues.

9) Incentive for export of jute goods issues.

10) Export related dispute, Legal & Arbitration issues.

11)BJMC, BJMA, BJSA and Directorate of jute related issues.

12) Diversification of Jute Products and SME Entrepreneurship Development related issues.

Each of the Sub-Committee consists of 5-7 members including one Co-ordinating Director, One Convener, One Co-Convener. They are supposed to look after the related issues calling meetings in every 2/3 months and shall propose their valuable and dynamic suggestions and proposal to the Executive Board for final decision for execution.

Contact Info

Bangladesh Jute Goods Exporters’ Association (BJGEA)
A & A Tower, 173, Arambag (3rd Floor) Motijheel, Dhaka- 1000.
Tel : +8802 7195020 , FAX : 02 7195019, Mobile: +8801777840577

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